You should see the detailed instructions in the image here: Tutorials

It’s false positive. The method used to crack games is similar to the method used to code malware! Anti-virus programs will detect the crack as a virus and delete it, even though it isn’t! 🙂

No, absolutely impossible, you can not receive viruses while you visit the site, not just this site, but all other sites. You can only get virus if you download an infected file from the internet and activate them. But why some people tell me that this site has virus or my anti virus reported that there are viruses while visiting this site? They are just cheating on you. They say my site inserts viruses into your cookies. Most people download pirated games between the ages of 13-18 (according to google statistics), so they do not have certain knowledge and are easily cheated. No one can insert the virus into Cookies, even Cookies don’t work that way, for simplicity, you should search google for what cookies are, and how it works. But some virus programs reported that this site has a virus, it’s completely wrong, they are trying to block annoying ads, I admit that this is not good, but you can turn off the ads after 1-2s. These antivirus programs are trying to become similar ablock, besides ad networks trying to surpass adbock, so there’s always competition between them. I am the middle man, so I don’t care about this, I don’t want to have to edit the site every time the virus company updates something new in their software. As mentioned above, you can not receive viruses by visiting websites, so if you trust us, add us to the whitelist, otherwise you can use other sites. If you are interesting ↓ (Copy and paste to text file or anywhere to read)

We used the money to buy these games, so we added watermarks to restrict other sites to grab it and upload to their site. But we only add the watermark to the Menu or the Loading of the game, so it does not affect your game experience at all. You want to say that we also take the game of other sites? Yes, they can place watermarks or do something similar they want. Because when uploading anything to the internet, it is not their own anymore. If someone donated the game to us, even just $1, we always leave credit for them. But if they donate to any other website, and they require me to leave their credit, how do I know when I did not receive the game from them. I have 3 Steam accounts, including over 10,000 games, some duplicate games as well as AAA games. But you know, I rarely play games, I only play 1-2 games every year. One of my accounts: 

Of course, you can download the game via torrent link, here is our torrent site: https://pcgamestorrents.com/

If the game take you to Steam site or requires a CD key, that means the game has not yet been cracked, you need to crack it before starting the game, you can see instructions on how to use the crack here: How to install a game or update?

If the game take you to Steam site or requires a CD key, that means the game has not yet been cracked, you need to crack it before starting the game, you can see instructions on how to use the crack here: How to install a game or update?

These are common errors, so we can’t pinpoint the exact cause, so what you need to do is install everything up to the latest version, including: 1. You should download and install the latest versions of: Microsoft Visual C ++, Microsoft .NET Framework, OpenAL, Java, XNA Framework, … (Search on google and download them from the official sites) 2. You should install the latest drivers for your VGA, CPU,… You should download the “3DP Chip” (this is freeware), after installing it, it will help you to find the link to download the latest driver for your VGA, CPU, … 3. Update your Windows. 4. Restart your Windows. 5. Turn off Antivirus programs as well as Firewalls. 6. Extract / reinstall the game, run the game with “Run as Administrator”. Hope these can help you, enjoy 😉

These are common errors, so we can’t pinpoint the exact cause, so what you need to do is install everything up to the latest version, including: 1. You should download and install the latest versions of: Microsoft Visual C ++, Microsoft .NET Framework, OpenAL, Java, XNA Framework, … (Search on google and download them from the official sites) 2. You should install the latest drivers for your VGA, CPU,… You should download the “3DP Chip” (this is freeware), after installing it, it will help you to find the link to download the latest driver for your VGA, CPU, … 3. Update your Windows. 4. Restart your Windows. 5. Turn off Antivirus programs as well as Firewalls. 6. Extract / reinstall the game, run the game with “Run as Administrator”. Hope these can help you, enjoy 😉

These are common errors, so we can’t pinpoint the exact cause, so what you need to do is install everything up to the latest version, including: 1. You should download and install the latest versions of: Microsoft Visual C ++, Microsoft .NET Framework, OpenAL, Java, XNA Framework, … (Search on google and download them from the official sites) 2. You should install the latest drivers for your VGA, CPU,… You should download the “3DP Chip” (this is freeware), after installing it, it will help you to find the link to download the latest driver for your VGA, CPU, … 3. Update your Windows. 4. Restart your Windows. 5. Turn off Antivirus programs as well as Firewalls. 6. Extract / reinstall the game, run the game with “Run as Administrator”. Hope these can help you, enjoy 😉

– Try run the .exe file with “Run as Administrator”. – If the above steps don’t solve the problem, try turning off the Antivirus program as well as the Firewall, then extract / reinstall the game. Try running the game with “Run as Administrator” again.

Most hosting sites limit the size of file upload (eg, zippyshare limits 500Mb per upload file, Uploaded limit to 5GB per upload file, …). That is why, we can’t do anything more 🙁

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